22 août 2015

It might be inevitable that by becoming "somebody else"

(which is an insulting, uncaring fallacy... I've always been myself, but events and circumstances have shown me the error of my well-meaning ways, have been giving me the means to regain an appetite for life and a disdain for resignation; I am no longer "half in love with easeful death" [1])

I will irritate or baffle those that were used to my old ways.  This one will be insulted by the fact that I now stand up for what I believe in, and no longer comply with her implied demands.  This one will be hurt by the fact that her old manipulative stratagems are no longer effective, and that I now bring them to her attention.  Another will be pained by the fact that I no longer accept his shameless Ego with absolute submission, and make no effort to provoke a pointless meeting happen at all.  There are infinite possibilities of why people might not like how my Self is currently shining through (finally!).  Well, I say: so fucking what?

Let them be happy with their own distinct existences without needing me to conform to some uncomfortable role that they designed for me.  I want my every breath, every motion, every move, to be in accordance with my Being.  Not somebody else's.  My own.  I have a seemingly infinite amount of Love to give, and I am by nature somebody who likes to give and make people happy, but no longer at my own expense.

Those for whom that is a problem, I say: "Too bad.  I hope you find happiness."  Those that accept that, who see the worth of my Nature and want to enter those wonderful fluid share-and-share-alike states called Friendship & Love & Companionship with me, I say: "I thank you, now let's glow together for a while."

* * *

--- Edgar Allan Poe

"No more I follow / No more obedience pay"
--- "America, A Prophecy", William Blake

"Therefore Los stands in London building Golgonooza
Compelling his Spectre to labours mighty; trembling in fear
The Spectre weeps. but Los unmovd by tears or threats remains

I must Create a System. or be enslav'd by another Mans
I will not Reason & Compare: my business is to Create
--- "Jerusalem", William Blake

[1] "Ode to a Nightingale", John Keats

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