13 août 2019

[August 13th, 2019] [Updated]

During what passes as the Summer’s apotheosis in this part of the globe, when it almost seems as if the season has been here forever and will most likely go on indefinitely, a trip to the spirit-ground of my youth. Kingdom of Rich Lands, indeed…

It would be impossible to show or convey what I felt today, there. The vibrations of a place where the vegetation is more luxurious, the sky deeper, the clouds dripping with hazy glory, all the detail-crowded corners significant, every ugly building a landmark, the very center of the world for this individual, the only place he can honestly call home... thinking that in fifteen years or so (when his responsabilities have shifted, when his sentence has been served, when the debilitating solitude which is already so strong will have reached its apparent zenith, without any hope of a reprieve, time or his own frustrated abrasive psyche having made sure to carefully remove everyone from his proximity) moving back here might be just what he needs… a return to its comforting stagnating stillness and haphazardly covered-up wildness, even though so much of it has been destroyed or bastardized, depressing while looked at disconnectedly yet still infused with a palpable resonating pervading presence… the site of an unfolding dense weary mystery, in which to slowly decline and eventually disappear into...

Of course it's quite clear that it might just be the sudden unpacking of another life-era's condensed essence that is flooding the brain, and not the actual objective special worth of the place itself... powerful acute attack of longing for one’s childhood, that near-yet-far period where one’s existence was fulfilled and without scars, before the culmination of overpowering traits de caractère which would end up taking so much space, defining and circumscribing the whole of a neurotic life (and life-style).

Janus Manifest, all at once and simultaneously, as ever… in this present instance, the past (gold), the present (enchantment), the future (promise)... while at the same time hearing whispers of the poisoned opposite (silly innocence) (pitiful nostalgia) (pathetic delusion), going on nonstop, droning boring unmerciful self-proclaimed Voice of Lucidity.

10 août 2019

[10 Août 2019]

sans les doutes moindres
avancer sans savoir trop
ce qu'il en est ou retourne
ou quand ou comment
ou pour quoi

laissant les êtres
être ce qu'ils sont
absorbé par leur nature
leurs échos & leurs voix
souhaitant minimiser
mes éclats ainsi que
tous mes dits

les mots morts
traînant encore
parmi les décombres
empestant l'atmosphère
infectant l'idéation

en arriver à trouver
que sa seule présence
est un outrage ou un affront
détritus à la face du Ciel
qui promet
aventure &
mais ne rend que
frénésie &

sur la table
--- dehors ---
lumière obscure
germée du Soleil

5 août 2019

[5 Août 2019]

sa journée terminée
enfin seul et allégé
le paquet d'os retire sa peau
dans ses appartements il s'agite
fait comme s'il avait un coeur
plein de douleurs et d'espoirs
il gémit et il larmoie
sans larmes sans salive
lamentant la vacuité de ses bras
et l'absence de sa tombe

le crâne
ayant été vidé
de sa substance
de sa moelle
de sa vie
les orbites vacantes
se tournent vers les arbres
agités par le vent

3 août 2019

[August 3rd, 2019]

i want to get away
further up
further down
but here
so that I can
and spread
my tendrils
in a way
that’s both
healthy and sane

you, pretty you
won’t you spread
with me?