5 septembre 2015

zero cinq zero neuf quinze

Les visages du Réel
d'une tangibilité
trop concrète
et me heurtent
me hurt

le ciel bleuchagrin
rayonne et éclate
sur le mur de briques
et la lave lumineuse
coule par mes yeux
en moi
et c'est une joie
et elle me fait mal aussi

Douleur, plaisir
se rejoignent, se confondent
la simplicité m'est refusée

ma faiblesse, ma force
ça se mêle aussi
je peine à les discerner
la maîtrise m'échappe

mais j'attire
je plais
il en découle donc
que cet amalgame
incongru et atypique
a de la valeur
de par sa rareté
et pour sa capacité
de capter et de refléter
toute la gamme
des couleurs

* *

des mots qui envahissent mon esprit, me demandant d'être écrits, sans cesse:

"Jalons obstrués
orifices barricadés
l'irriguation des morsures
soupapes empressées
suivent au pas
la portée de l'entrain"

silly overheated brain nonsense

oh to have in the Now
you for company
and you as the center and focus
of the rest of this day

I am not fatalistic
I am accepting

but now comes a wave
my body-organism
conspiring against me
an effort to turn
my thoughts topsy-turvy
I am helpless in this stream
but I can hold my breath
and not drink the liquid
of these stygian waters
floating in a sea 
of ill black Humours
I have visions
of all these things
which I must now let go of...

this profound soul-ally who now grasps at the purse-strings

close-knit unit which we constituted, complete partnership which she chose to dissolve

family life which I did not fully chose but which I accepted and embraced and was able to benefit from

it's all going away from me now
the irony of getting the solitude
I've been wanting
the space to be myself
for myself
not for others
strange sorrow for all those days being a husband and a father, miserable but never completely all the time and not because of them because of the situation which I didn't fight against and not standing up for myself and keeping quiet and complying and serving and obeying and agreeing and following and helping and rubbing my brain with sandpaper

maybe I wanted out
maybe I wanted out of this
maybe all I wanted was to be alone
hurt to the bone that my wife
just saw how my despair
contributed to hers until
anyway I don't know what she felt or why
but she ended us
and now wants to go
far away with them
saying I can follow if I want
but all I want is to be left alone
free to be
free to be with others
free to love
free from the slavery
free to be who I want to be and not be responsible for someone else's salvation or despair
I love
probably too much
and this is all coming out wrong
but I don't deserve what I've been living for the past decade and a half... I want and need to grasp at something else
I'm crying again for all the lost purity of being in the warm proximity of my children but now I will have to do without
crying at the corruption and downright destruction of certain ideas and ideals and also at the broken hopes of a foolish young man who thought love could make everything turn out for the best

now I love but it pulls me
away from them
and I will not resist
I will fight for it even
I want this
I deserve this
I want this for myself
(crying again)
passionate love
crying too much

I would not have chosen this but by the beard on my face I will not let this chance go to waste.

Let them hate me, scorn me, deride me, curse me, misconstrue my intentions and my actions... they will not stop me.  But I will weep.

1 commentaire:

The Would-be Cat a dit...

Moved to tears.