29 septembre 2015

Immobilité enviable
de ces arbres
qui sont
tout de même
par le Temps
et ses saisons;
une feuille qui tombe
finalité irrévocable;
le vert s'estompe
le brun s'installe au sol
le rouge envahie les feuillages
sous la domination sempiternelle
de la blancheur des cieux écrasants;
le vent me parle
je le comprends à moitié
il dit qu'il est indifférent &
que chaleur et froid
sont des concepts humains
dont il ne se soucie pas.

L'écriture permet de s'exprimer dans le silence;
écrire est une autre façon de se taire. 

Le Silence comme stratagème
pour se soustraire
à l'opprobe universelle. 

28 septembre 2015

À la surface, il semble que rien ne change, Univers.  Quand ton Vent Noir se met à souffler, il met mes vêtements en lambeaux... il frigorifie ma peau... il crispe mes idées, et les noircie.

Marchant seul dans les rues, il pleut comme d'habitude, et mon isolement est tout aussi absolu qu'il l'était il y a un an, cinq ans, dix ans, quinze ans, vingt ans, vingt-cinq ans.  

Mes paroles blessent ou se retournent contre moi.  Mon silence insulte ou inquiète.  Quelle autre option me reste-t-il, sinon que de considérer le mutisme le plus complet possible?

Chaque fois que je pense trouver quelqu'un avec qui tout sera facile, bidirectionnel, basé sur la confiance et menant à un rapprochement hors du commun, le drame surgit et vient tout sacager.

"Seul.  Seul.  Seul, Si-mon.  C'est seul que tu dois être.  Ce n'est pas une alternative mais une certitude.  Regardes-toi.  Vois à quel point tu es mal adapté, n'ayant pas assimilé les plus simples des facilitateurs sociaux.  Constate l'étendue du décalage psychique qu'il y a entre toi et ceux qui t'entourent.  Tu n'inspires que pitié, mépris, désarroi, instincts protecteurs... mais on ne te considère ni comme un égal ni comme un confident, pas plus qu'il est possible de se tourner vers toi pour du réconfort car tu n'es au final qu'un idiot savant, trop fragile, pas assez inspirant.

Il y a derrière chacun de tes échecs des causes et des mécanismes que tu ne peux même pas concevoir, tellement leur complexité dépasse ta capacité de compréhension.  Mais sache qu'il y a des raisons bien réelles pour lesquelles ton mariage s'est effondré, pour lesquelles chacune de tes amitiés est condamné d'avance, que tes ambitions artistiques sont risibles, et que la Solitude ultime et ineluctable est la seule issue possible pour toi.  Il ne reste qu'à voir jusqu'où ce destin va te pousser... suicide, folie, névrose, rage, ou ce vide schizoïde qui infecte tous ces pod people qui attendent la mort devant un écran.

Alors, comment tu aimes ça entrevoir le futur?"

Je ne veux pas te croire, il y a quelque chose de suspect dans cette camaraderie que tu adoptes quand tu m'adresses la parole.  Qu'est-ce que tu as à gagner de me dire tout ça?  Pourquoi est-ce qu'il ne t'arrive pas de me mentir pour me remplir la poitrine de soleil et de fierté?

Je suis fatigué de tout questionner, de me poser des questions.  Fatigué, par ça et tellement plus.

25 septembre 2015

I see you, all ragged and disheveled, trying to lead me back to the Maze with your covert machinations.  I see you, Universe, looking back at me in the mirror.  I know you; you can be so transparent and predictable.  And I can be so easy to manipulate.

For reasons which I can't possibly hope to fathom, you are decidedly determined to dispel my hard-won summer Peace, seemingly meaning to compel me to plunge into some nervous anxious exhausting murk of eternal November-dominated gloom.

Akin to an imp perched on one's shoulder, you whisper your poisoned murk into my ear...

You tell me that I should worry, that my Love's love must be based on some kind of misunderstanding, and that it's only a matter of time before she sees through the veil and is repulsed by the unformed freak that I am; you suggest that I am bound to repeat the same mistakes over and over and so should just resign myself to a life of absolute and celibate loneliness; you offer evidence of my continued submissive ways, and how I always will be the unrealized servant of others; you remind me of my weakness, of my cyclical cynicism, and of my everlasting outcast status; you incite me to consume my mood-changers in an ever-increasing quantity, pushing them at me with convincing guiles and arguments; you remind me that despite all my talk I still am making no progress on my life's work; you encourage my slightest doubts, inflating them into monsters of uneasy distrust; you predict that I am bound to remain a minor character in everyone's lives, too forgetable and nondescript to retain anyone's attention or affections for very long.

All lf this, and more, in your attempts to bring me back into the fold, among the desperate, the fragile and the sad.

It feels as if I'm halfway between the hopeful brightness of Summer and the bleak lowly emptiness of Winter.  Can I hope to hold on to my Spirits, my zeal, my Joy, my lust, my expansive gushing enthusiasm?  Was it just a short lived respite before the return of Darkness?  Or did I really gain some ground, step off the path and begin my journey to Wholeness and Fulfillment?

Time will tell, but I've got a few tricks up my sleeve.


Curieusement réduit à Néant
par les Ôdes Rigoureuses
des imposteurs établis
et curieusement jalousé
par d'étroites culminations frauduleuses
creusets, mortiers, alambiques
gageures picorées portant outrage
logarythmique aux homoncule suitants.

23 septembre 2015

visage au sol
sérieux et austère
avec minutie
les détails
de sa potentielle

moi-même libéré
je vais
soir d’été en automne
bleu-mauve du ciel
demie lune blanche
rituel musical
rite chamanistique personnel

rayonnant je quitte
de l’Astre
de celle
que j’aime
et je m’en vais
--- comète ---
dans des contrées
itinéraire approximatif
horaire incertain
déroulement à préciser

souvent toute basse
pour les dévastés
qui ne comprennent pas
épris de tragique
ennemis de la gravité

qui suis-je?
moi qui déteste
les identités
qui nous figent
comme la Méduse

on peut exister
dans l’incertitude
le doute
le mouvant
le fluide
variations incongrues
à partir d’un original
perdu au fond des eaux

et si on essaie
de m’en empêcher
me tirant vers l’arrière
ou vers un fossé
vers le bas
dans la boue
dans les ronces rabougris…


si la famille est un leurre
la fusion intime impossible
l’amitié toujours vulnérable
aux irréversibles et irrémédiables
engorgements et gisement toxiques

alors non

je serai qui je suis

(speed writing freak
who knows nothing
about “writer’s block”
or human relations
or societal conventions
or age-acceptable expected behaviors
or region-related pride
or the outrage of ancestors
--- creeping encroachment
of generational hate and neurosis ---
or categorical dismissals or embraces
not able to follow
or to obey blindly
and so sadly unable
to have a mentor or teacher
lacking respect for standing or rank or reputation or credibility or respectability or crass and masterful social negotiations
or dubious abstract radiating elder-determined influence

being “me” in such an irrevocable
and dedicated fashion
must have its perks

my Center is my Mind
my Body is still an hindrance
my Mental Space is
my Jail and my Refuge;
my Observatory and my Torture-Chamber;
my Vault and my Museum;
my Forest and my Wasteland;
my Fountain and my Graveyard;
my Cradle and my Casket;
my Quicksand and my Mine;
my Swamp and my River;
my Haunted House and my Temple;
my self-absorbed Mirror and my selfless blood-letting;
jarring contained contrast of clueless and wise,
innocence and world-weary sadness;
self-effacing apologetic clumsiness and
eloquent wellspring of eccentric accomplished
crazy thought-works;
debauched decadent doomed poet and
gentle abnegating sensible responsible peace-seeker;
bitter angry aging nihilistic anarchist and
apolitical romantic idealist whose balloon-mind
is constantly and consistently caught in a breeze;
enamored crush-prone girl-crazy schoolboy and
sex-driven unquenchable fount of libidinous impulses;
friendship believer, lover of daydreams and clouds, and
lone wolf, drawn to macabre motifs or lugubrious pockets of delicious agonized life-and-death severity;
lover of dense multi-layered intertwined life- and story-lines and
sparse, stark, sustained reflections of the Ever-present Void;
seeker of mysteries of complex and tangled murky adventures and
simplicity induced silences of pause and breath;
basic lecherous taster of body and intimate genital sensory overload and
monastic contemplative absorber of sober knowledge and dedicated creative endeavors;
admirer of bombastic spectacle-driven extravaganzas and
controlled and refined masterful dialogs, discourses and demonstrations

je suis qui je suis
orgueilleux dans mon humilité
irréductible à ma façon
rebelle sans l’afficher
révolté sans le crier
enragé dans le calme
acceptant de ne pas comprendre
insensé mais sensible
architecte de mes ahurissements & de mes chutes
tout autant que de mes survols glorieux de la vaste étendue chromatique

je sens que la Solitude
sera le salaire
de ce Solitaire
(récompense ou punition
bien méritée)
mais je sais que
quand je ferai
comme-union avec toi
ce sera Vérité
ce sera Force
ce sera Beauté
si bien
que fermant les yeux
ouvrant les oreilles
nous entendrons
les oiseaux le chanter
au milieu de la nuit
et les insectes
nous approcher
par les vibrations
synecdoques & primordiales
de nos Moments ensemble

tu prends ma main?

* * *

Low, 22 septembre 2015
au Bar Le Ritz P.D.B. (Punks Don’t Bend)

- No Comprende
- Kid in the Corner
- The Innocents
- Plastic Cup
- On My Own
- Holy Ghost
- Tonight the Monkeys Die
- Spanish Translation
- Lies
- Into You
- Pissing
- DJ
- What Part of Me
- Will the Night
- Landslide
- [Encore] Sunflower
- ? (I had to leave before the end of “Sunflower” so I don’t know if they played something else)

22 septembre 2015

mon corps
contre le tien
on analyse
on décortique
les gestes
les réflexes
les tendances
aux racines

ta patience
ta compassion
ta clarté
une croissance
dans tous les sens

ton sourire
tes yeux


toi toi toi
moi moi moi

j’y crois fort

21 septembre 2015

[Amalgame désordonné et légèrement modifié de mots tirés des explorations que j’ai effectué à partir d’ici : http://cometogetherarticles.yolasite.com/holy-fools.php.]

« Closely related to the Fool are his cousins: the clowns, jesters and the tricksters.  All challenge convention, turning cherished beliefs and rules on their heads.  Their motive is to cause us to doubt the truths we are so sure of.  They spread doubt about our beliefs, our abilities, our motives, our institutions, our sanity, our loves, our laws our leaders, even our alliteration.  Clowns and jesters have grave doubts about our attitudes.  'Is this seriousness really appropriate?' they ask.  Others, such as the spiritual crazy wisdom masters --- the Holy Fools --- call into question our entire understanding of ourselves and the world.

What is truth?  This question propels the Clown into the sacred dimension.  The Truth the Clown intuits is the interconnectedness of all life.  He or she knows (although it cannot be proven) that no part is more important than any other part --- no matter how big or how small --- and that the tiniest change in one part produces a profound change in the Whole.  He or she sees (although it cannot be explained) that imbalance or blockage of the Life Force is the result of a person or group believing themselves to be more important than another.  And the Clown can't help puncturing that over-blown self-importance with sharp humor!

A Fool is one who goes on trusting, against all his experience. You deceive him, and he trusts you; you deceive him again, and he trusts you; you deceive yet him again, and he trusts you still.  Then you say that he is a fool, he does not learn.  His trust is tremendous; his trust is so pure that nobody can corrupt it.

Often holy fools live in voluntary poverty, because acquiring wealth is thought to build up the self and thereby block the "path to unity."  Living in poverty, the fools often identify with the poor.  Almost inevitably, they are forced into the role of rebel, and lead populist movements to "shake up the existing political and spiritual orders."

The Fool is like 0; it neither adds nor subtracts, but increases its power: the 1 becomes a 10; 100 becomes 1,000, etc.  He combines wisdom, madness, and the folly of the spiritual adventurer, but never stays attached when it's time to move on.  He lives upon the earth, yet it is as if he does not belong on the earth. All that which flatters and attracts man--wealth, glory, pleasures--was alien to them; all worldly attachments they held for nought, considering them to be hindrances to the upbringing of their inner man...

Confounding the establishment by playing Trickster is one of The Fool's most loved tricks. When this archetype is present and active in your psyche, you can be completely unpredictable and amoral -- a divinely sanctioned lawlessness that is hard to rationalize -- guided wholly by an experimental attitude toward life.  In this willingness to be so un-programmed by culture, tribe, or society, we carry the makings of the Hero/Savior archetype.  This provides us the archetypal impulsive curiosity that continually moves us toward the fulfillment of our ideal, though we're often surprised at how this comes about.

Fundamentally, the sacred Clowns portray the Path of Life with all of its pitfalls, sorrows, laughter, mystery, and playful obscenity.  They dramatize the powerful relationships of love, the possibility of catastrophe; the sorrow of separation and death; the emerging consciousness of human beings entering into life --- into this world --- as ordinary beings with non-ordinary potential.  They show the dark side; they show the light side; they show us that life is hard; and they show us how we can make it easier.  If death takes everything away when it robs an individual of life, then the Clowns must be able to combat death in mock battle and wrestle life back again.

And if catastrophe is always just around the corner, the Clowns must prepare us for the worst by portraying it... and then... stabilize everything in the end of the drama.  If we are there watching the Clowns, if we are perhaps the subject of the Clowns' ridicule and teasing, we will learn. Because the Clowns are just reflecting what could happen to any of us, at any time of day or year, at every turn along the Road of Life. »

20 septembre 2015

The Fool worries
and wonders
having just recently
put his hat back on
after taking
a long love-path
through someone else's
attempts at self-propelsion

Now, with a baffled smirk
he thinks:
"I no longer
have to please
but myself."

Gobbling up
his dose of
awe-struck febrility
he thinks of all
the Judgements
which have been
piled on him
and all the ones
that will be pinned
to his lapel,
tomorrow and tomorrow.

"[...] always been sort of a pessimist [...] you don't have it in you [...] shut down emotionally again [...] you shoot everything down [...] you're stuck in your head [...] you rarely have an opinion on things and just do what I ask [...] you don't do anything on your own or for yourself [...] you pushed everyone away [...] you weigh me down [...] I know you'll always be around but I feel alone [...] you're an empty shell [...] you're unwilling to change [...] I'm dragging you behind [...] you don't have an internal drive [...] I need something you can't offer [...] you take our relationship for granted [...] I've wasted years being unhappy with you [...] you take everything so seriously [...] you over-interpret everything I say [...] you ask too many questions [...]"

He was a fool's Fool
trying to please
but himself
and failing
in the process.

Now, back to Foolhood,
he wants nothing
but laughter
and wonder
and caring
and fullness
yet he drags that around
and why?

He's the Fool!
He should
make fun of it!
Deride it!
Put it down!
Forget it!
Turn away!
Look ahead!
Look around!

It's all there!
And he has
no obligation
to please

He answers to no one but himself.

19 septembre 2015

Oh, what a Fool he is
who is generous consistent
in the face of such blatant
grabby-greedy desperation

And the Fool looks like a Fool
so they know
to take advantage
and suck it all up
as much as they can

And the Fool reacts like a Fool
not lashing out or resisting
but absorbing it all
with a mounting, unmoving
smiling Sadness

And the Fool has been a Fool
for so long
for too long
he cannot change now

His Fool's heart is shaking
his Fool's eyes are weeping
his Fool's hands are bleeding
his Fool's words are silent
his Fool's love is limitless
his Fool's sweat goes unnoticed
his Fool's beard is unruly
his Fool's back is scarred
his Fool's mind is alien
his Fool's anger is inwards
his Fool's rage is extinguished
his Fool's lips are smiling
his Fool's feet want to leave

Singing with the wind
dancing with the leaves
he sees Fall is here
and thinks he should be going

Ah, but he will be the Fool to the bitter end
he will not give them the satisfaction
of carving the foolishness out of his head
leaving it like a hollow reptile skin 
by the side of the road

no, oh no, with a wicked Fool's grin
he will keep dancing
his hat jingling and jangling
he will let the greedy ones
choke on their own bitter medecine
he will let the grasping ones
clasp at shadows in the dark
he will let the vindictive ones
clammer their childish demands
he will let the vengeful ones
chew on their empty victories
he will let the whole world
sail to the bottom
in its cyclopean Ship

This Fool will not be boarding that Ship.

(Ship of Fools, c. 1490–1500, by Hieronymus Bosch)

18 septembre 2015

ma tête est pleine de toi
et tu débordes
sur mes joues
le long de ma nuque
sur ma poitrine

en moi & sur moi
je suis conquis
sans être possédé

tout simplement t'observer
ne pas te parler
et je serais satisfait
mais s'il faut que je parle
la seule parole qui vaut
son poids en or
est celle que je t'adresse

"seul"/"avec toi"
semblent être mes deux pôles 
pour le moment

en l'absence de ta totalité
dialogues vaporeux avec
une interlocutrice fantôme
apparitions spectrales 
des traits de ton visage
échos de ton rire
éclats de ton sourire
sensations fugitives de nos étreintes
relents de tes lévres chaudes
et douces sur les miennes

une telle incandescence 
ne s'invente pas de toutes pièces
ne peut pas être 
que simple projection ou transposition
je ne nous sens pas désespérés
ou aveuglés par nos propres besoins criants

le jour de ma mort, perdu dans un délire de senilité et de morphine, je me penserai dans une grande grande maison, et j'y verrai tous les gens qui ont compté pour moi au cours de ma vie
et je sais que je t'y verrai, ma panthère coquine, avec ton sourire mutin, tes yeux brillants, à l'écart, attendant patiemment que je me fraie un chemin jusqu'à toi, me réservant une place dans tes bras, et ce jour là (comme toutes les autres fois avant) je ne voudrai pas les quitter
For four decades now I have been alive
and my existence has taken so many forms…

my Self

a tiny shiny pure being who looked --- rapt --- at a ladybug on a tall plant;

who, decades later, stared stoned at a small green bug and made up a poem about it;

who got all of the childhood diseases early on (“Let’s get it over with, all or nothing, I either die right now or be healthy from now on”) but in so doing he even got one which usually targets the elderly, and it almost made him blind, and left him scarred;

who was wide-eyed at the screaming crazy angry harpy pointing and spouting insults at him and his family;

who was scared shitless as he was entering the domain of that haunted house he would inhabit for the next 21 years;

whose entire day-to-day life, as a child, was contained within a single square mile of small-town simplicity;

who had a cat-food meal with a wary feline, trying to tame him, one of countless silent communions with others of that species;

who was friendly to canines but chased by them over and over, friends taking the brunt of their cruel bites for him;

whose existence became plagued by vampires, and who had the idea that a book of forgotten lore might help him;

who went through numberless role-takings with friends, innumerable stories, battles, rescues, deaths, feats of heroism and villainy, scattered all over the universes of the mental space, but all in a pocket-sized piece of physical land;

who would fall in love, over and over…

first with an arrogant blond because everyone admired her and she was flashy and outgoing; then (my tastes evolving into a more personal thing) with a tall, thin, shy, long black-haired doe of a girl; then I made myself love a likeable but bland waif, who I was told to like because it would complete some kind of social circle; then with a mischievous, mature little devil, who dragged me under the blankets to kiss me (oh! the braces on her teeth!) and who was unzipping my pants when my mother barged in on us; then (O, momentous day) with my sweet Lioness, willful and wholesome, troubled by some sordid patriarchal issues, who I would try (over and over) to get close to, until that one day, our one day together in this Life, a few hours together in a Museum, laughing and feeling good, so much so that I ignored my body and was left with shame at the end of the day, but still I loved her, grew to understand what love and desire were through her, and she was The One for years without even knowing it; then, briefly, like a flash-fire, there was that red-headed sports-loving girl, whose energy and imagination drew the dark brooding person I was becoming, and with her I dared to tell her how I felt but she told me she had a boyfriend and that was that; then, somewhat, coldly and distantly, I was drawn to a rebellious, giggling, sensual, slow-going girl, but she wasn't attracted to me I guess and we drifted; and then for a while, although fiercely drawn to a variety of female human beings, I felt no love... until I got overseas, and fell for a strong young woman, she smiled and gave me compliments and offered niceties but I wasn't part of her world; and then I came back and, working away from home for the summer, I fell for two other girls, one who didn't know I existed and one (too young) whose direct advances I had to ignore; then, for a while, nothing again but a faraway longing for pretty, gentle-looking girls, of hot lust for a sexy but mean-looking neighbor; and then, fateful day, I met the one who was to become my wife, and she was struck with me, and without knowing or really wanting to I wooed her and she kissed me and we coupled, and gradually I grew to feel grateful for her love and the caring I felt for her turned to love, for what she offered to me and what was possible with her, and with her I broadened my life-experiences, we had children and we shared time, but guilty of passivity I gave without taking and we grew used to that unhealthy cycle which was nevertheless sustained by love, until she just couldn't live with the status quo anymore, and she put an end to us; and then, lastly, my heart finally mended, I went out of my way and found my next Love, who amazingly with her quirky artistic mind found something in me, and we celebrated each other...

whose doorway to his own seductive multiverse took the form of Stories, mostly written or drawn, but also filmed;

who found ways out of everything that plagued him, from anger to sadness to anxiety to family to day-to-day or spiritual greasy obscenities;

who had his first white hairs around the time that he became an official adult, and he just saw it as another manifestation of his innate strangeness;

who drifted from friend to friend, grateful to be accepted and to have someone to share some interests, some laughter;

who grew cynical and despondent in the face of universal expectations and the mechanical sorting out of individuals towards their inevitable professional future;

who ran hard in the opposite direction, fleeing, fleeing everything, to any kind of world (fantastical or sinister or hopeless or romantic or gleeful or cruel or beautiful) as long as it wasn't this one;

who started rebelling against authority by simply ignoring it and withdrawing within himself (the greatest "fuck you" he could think of);

who found a doorway to some fabled land of friendship and decadent wonder, and there he learned and shared and laughed and played and talked and listened and heard and created and destroyed and drank and smoked and dreamed and saw and saw and Saw and SAW;

who stayed with an escape plan that was officially sanctioned by the All-Powerful patri-matri-Figure, for as long as he could until (his mouth full of money and disgust and anger and despair) he threw it all up and used that moment to leave and travel a bit;

who wrote and wrote and wrote, ceaselessly, for no reason at all, just to get some things out of his head in the form of stories;

who was infatuated with the simple(minded) idea of taking that overwhelming rush of passionate outpour, and committing his Life to it;

who then was made to understand how unfeasible that was, how foolish and irresponsible and immature and useless and counter-productive and silly and harebrained... at least for a clumsy bland amateur like myself;

who reached for unattainable friendships with far-away figures of idealized companionship and creative magick;

who drank and stoned himself, alone, to plunge into the rapid moving flow or to open the levee and let the flow in;

whose abstract visions of obsequious despair and hopeless eternity drove him to catatonic melancholia, seeing the rain drops rolling on a car window and realizing that's all there is, all the rest is a fog-headed dream;

who went through phases of extreme creative coherence which resulted in tangible proof of his dreams and his ability to manifest them (even if only in some warped, senseless exercise in self-absorption);

who wrote down ideas in little notebooks, enough for a lifetime of nonstop writing and dreaming;

who dreamed up intricately connected stories, a magickal and significant life's work (if only he had that life);

who dispersed the little stories he was so proud of, across digital realms and geographical landmarks, like so many bottles throw in an uncaring, unending ocean;

who lost himself, increasingly so, in daydreams and nightdreams and sexdreams and lovedreams and traveldreams and visiondreams and dreamdreams;

who learned, through it all, about anything and everything, and improved his craft at the same rate that he was losing his heart;

who grew to love and interiorize those primal Archetypes: the River, the Mountain, the Town, the City, Rain, Snow, Blood, Death;

who got close to his River and there found in a stone a shark-tooth and was thus granted a Vision of the Limitless Seas that used to cover everything he knew;

who saw his parents split up, and then became his young sister's secondary caregiver and... brother;

who knew the mother-imposed stigma of poverty, standing in line (the only young person) for a box of food items with a bunch of beat and merry characters;

who sweated and burned his skin gathering berries with similarly broken people, all for what amounted to little more than pocket money;

who peeled potatoes in the odorous Fall, and filled up some fridges with bottles, and put up some shelf-structures in a warehouse and sold bird-houses and (for one wrong evening) tried to scare young kids for a Halloween kick, only succeeding in striking one in the face by accident;

who walked alone, late at night, seeing no one, thinking, thinking, thinking as a disease to be assaulted with whatever is at hand;

who was repulsed by fuel-propelled machines, choosing to walk or to cycle or to bus his way to everything;

who chose to spend on books and games rather than food or clothes, skipping meals to justify purchase;

who became a docile and discrete guest whenever he would be invited to someone's house;

who suffered a great Fall one day, which changed his "fragile egg-shelled mind" forever;

who, sneaking a nocturnal visit to his Mountain, saw a Great Shark swimming through the trees, overlooking a sinister canyon where shambling skeletons were waiting for him and his friend to stumble down to them;

who drunkenly explorer a cemetery with his acrobatic friend, watched him climb on top of a crypt and hid in an open grave with him;

who went on with that friend to many out of the way, forsaken places... a corn field, some snowy caves, a railway bridge, a frozen river;

who was drawn by light-posts, like a moth, frozen to the spot as if time had stopped, naked, the crickets droning their life away;

who, lying in bed, felt weird phenomena happening inside him... a claw pressing behind his eye... eyes closed, feeling like he was sinking inside himself, shrinking inside a massive body... seeing a small house on the screen of his closed eyelids, the roof removed, with tiny medieval peasants going about their business, of their own accord, without his will being involved... feeling like he was growing, growing, stretching the limits of his body's capacity to hold him;

who ran desperately through an empty field, knowing he would have to go back but just wanting to run and run anyway;

who tried to will two haunted houses into existence, one which ended up destroyed (but transported inside one of his Stories), and the other which turned out to be a ramshackle storage shed, guarded by a common and base smalltown grouch;

who raked leaves and washed windows and picked some weeds and mowed the lawn, stuck inside one neverending moment of gray heartbreaking afternoon;

who foolishly poisoned his mind with an unknown narcotic for the official reason of "having fun", secretly wanting -- even at that young age -- some kind of vision;

who cried over the deaths of so many cat companions, torn from this world by despicable machines or merciless old age or drowned in a pool of ice-cold water;

who whiled away many an evening just writing in a notebook, his mind fooling him into thinking that his excitement meant something else than an illusion created by his organism to entertain and soothe his troubled and vulnerable mind;

who looked at his River with drunken, suicidal eyes, and was filled with joy at the thought of jumping in and swimming with the current all the way to his friend's house;

who found solace inside a minuscule little forested area, generally unfrequented, where he left some messages from another dimension (his brain);

who found himself, every so often, dreading the return home, wondering why put ourselves through this;

who grew to hate his parents, his country and its Institutions, his world, his time, while still possessor of a mine-full of golden Love;

who got slapped, kicked across the room, and had his book ripped from his hands, once each, but it was enough for him  to learn what violence is;

who was faithful and loyal and self-abnegating and enduring, and then was betrayed and rejected, which eventually resulted in a rebirth of sorts;

for whom his only asset was his mind, even though others insisted he was also handsome, gentle, courageous, generous, passionate, caring;

who saw the Void behind everything from a very young age, and was contaminated by this knowledge, and who forever struggled to lead some kind of life, notwithstanding;

who gave up on worldly ambitions, then on artistic ambitions, and then on everything, before coming back to a kind of artistic dedication with no hope for anything besides the short-lived but liberating exaltation of Creation;

who managed to break several laws while never getting noticed by the authorities;

who, from young adulthood on, felt the pull of compassion and tried to always treat others like he would like to be treated;

who was compelled to write about the same events, over and over, as if there was always some new perspective to be gained;

who never could see the standalone value of money, or the underlying problem behind indolence;

who lusted for so many female humans, making up poetic names for those he would see regularly, while in fact having physical relations with only two;

who ate little, but longed for even less, wishing for the possibility to abstain completely;

who could be passionate about a great number of things, both popular and scholarly, serious or playful, geeky or artistic, vulgar and heavy or refined and sorrowful;

who in the eternal joyful intensity of his ecstatic soul, once jumped on a bed, in front of a fan, during a thunderstorm, with some friends;

who tried playing the harpsichord with his friend, but just couldn’t do it;

who, wearing a fool’s jangling cap, hurt his ankle while jumping down from a trampoline;

who shot an arrow in the thick wooded area of a hillside;

who, exploring an abandoned sandpit in the winter, thought shots were being fired at him and his friend, and panicked;

who didn’t know how and when to end this poem;

who still thinks, with pain and shame, of those thoughtless or cruel acts he committed, decades ago;

who had a “childhood dream” implanted into his head, and when his progenitors put themselves into debt to make it come true, he was expected to be grateful forevermore;

who felt sick and had to slump down while visiting the place where humans leave Earth for outer space;

who saw a plane crash during some aerial events which were supposed to impress him;

who, without wanting to seemed always to attract those for whom he was someone to be protected, taken care of, controlled, as if they felt that he was somehow broken, sickly or incomplete;

who always wanted, in one way or another, consciously or not, to subtract himself from the world, to escape into some hidden half-world in which he could live out his chosen life, free from rules, laws, judgement, obligations, stupidity, vulgarity, gross ignorance, anger, resentment, the tyranny of tradition and the dictatorship of family;

who would always strive for respect, civility, politeness, trust and honesty, while shying away from competition, worldly ambition, conquest, control, power;

who knew there would never be enough time to read all the books, see all the films, see all the paintings, hear all the music, travel to all the places;

who would go without sleep, food, drink, if he could;

who always tried to try, even when he knew there was no way to achieve his goal;

who, between luminous chiming swings, took his destiny in his own hands by cupping his Love’s face and daring a sweet gentle kiss;

who, presented with the possibility of having his children taken away from him, reacted with a detached attempt at lucidity, trying to see the greater good and not just his own point of view;

all of that, and more, I carry these things with me, and they are part of my tears and my songs and my love and my laughter and my pain and my writing.  I am what I am because of them, and I will not renounce them.  I will try to celebrate them, and myself, in everything that I do.

(August 23rd -- Sept. 18th)

17 septembre 2015

Quelle absurdité: se sentir trahi.  Comme si la loyauté, l'honnêteté, la fidélité, la solidarité, la fraternité, étaient autres choses que des idéaux de rêveurs.  (Fuck it then, I'll be a dreamer.)

Mais quand même.


Trop vulnérable, la colère rôdant sous la surface, mais au bord des larmes en même temps... en ce moment c'est dans la forêt ou au sommet d'une montagne qu'il faudrait que je sois... seul avec mes idées, mes projets, mes lubies inutiles et inoffensives.

16 septembre 2015

La tête dans des idées de propagandes ancestrales

(solidification du Réel en un monolythe cyclopéen qui nous entraîne tous vers le fond)

et encore un peu touché/troublé par la vraie folie de ce jeune homme dans le métro, l'intelligence noyée qu'il y avait dans ses yeux médicamentés

("Es-tu Français?  Non?  Tu parles bien.  Tu viens d'où?  De Montréal?  Ah oui?  Est-ce que t'es professeur d'Université?  Non?  Tu pourrais.  Dans ta matière la plus forte.  Aimes-tu l'histoire?  Oui?  Moi aussi.  La période de l'histoire que je préfère c'est celle de l'Ancien Testament, surtout le Roi Salomon.  C'était toute de l'or dans son temple.  Ça devait être super beau.  Pis y'a des cons qui sont allés toute voler ça.  Faut-tu être cave.  Comme mon coloc.  C't'un avocat mais y se gèle tout le temps, y'a jamais d'argent.  J't'a veille de l'foutre dehors.  Y peut même pas payer sa moitié du loyer, mais y peut se payer de la coke, de l'héroïne.  Le Créateur y'a voulu nous sauver mais y'était trop petit, tout petit et tout poilu, à côté de la grande statue de 18 pieds de Satan.  Le Diable y'est grand.  Moi j'aime bein mieux suivre le Diable... y'est bein plus grand.  J'ai été dans plein d'instituts paychiatriques, à fin j'étais dans celui où tu restes pour le restant de tes jours mais je suis sorti.  Pendant que j'étais là j'ai beaucoup lu.  Mais en anglais.  En français je bloque sur chaque syllabe, comme si j'étais un arriéré.  Mais en anglais je lis vite de même.  Parles-tu anglais toi?  Oui?  T'as appris à l'école, ou en voyageant aux States?  Pis ta femme, a parle anglais aussi?")

sentant mon oeil gauche qui veut sortir de son orbite

(encore une fois, sentiment de trahison par mon propre corps qui se manifeste cette fois par une menace de désertion)

les émotions écorchées par ce parcours rapide de ma vie en photos

(malaises qui se cachent sous les sourires, chagrins futurs que j'aperçois dans des scènes mais des décennies a l'avance, humains qui maintenant sont morts ou hors de ma vie, vieillles plaies, blessures plus nouvelles, le sang se mêle et on ne peut pas savoir d'où il vient)

j'ai en moi enthousiasmes et fatigues à parts égales, mon esprit s'élançant mais mon corps le ramenant au sol.

Comment lâcher du leste sans pour autant tout foutre en l'air?

15 septembre 2015

Poème Malade

la douleur dans ma tête
s’estompe peu à peu
me rapprochant de toi
la grisaille fait place à la blancheur
et au bleu heureux
car le reste de la journée m’appartient
et elle se terminera dans tes bras

trahi par mon corps
je sais très bien
que la santé est fragile
que je suis mortel
la beauté est éphémère
l’amour circonstanciel
l’intimité capricieuse
la sérénité volatile
l’honnêteté difficile
la pureté temporaire
le désir insatiable
l’exaltation trop rare
l’enthousiasme précieux
l’humanité néfaste

mais je n’y peux rien
je ne suis qu’une forme de vie
individualisée et solitaire
aussi insignifiant qu’un arbre ou un poisson
laissé à moi-même pour une poignée de décennies
dans le Néant Primordial et Cosmique

mais je suis capable d’oublier
de rire
de rêver
de toucher
de créer
d’être emporté par la force
de me propres pensées

les feuilles commencent à tomber
témoin d’un autre Automne
sur mon fond de tristesse
il y a un noyau
--- nucléus prométhéen ---
qui me permet d’avoir
gratitude complète
envers chaque aspect
de ma vie actuelle

en amour avec une femme exceptionnelle
ce qu’elle ressent pour moi est intense aussi
Mystère qui restera Mystère
Magie qui continue d’être Magie

je ne sais pas de quoi sera fait
le restant de ma vie…
quelle textures
quelles atmosphères
quelles couleurs
quelles lumières
quelles compagnes
quels compagnons
quelles douleurs
quels drames
quels désespoirs
quelles réussites
quels malentendus
quels déplacements
quelles paralysies
quelles incompréhensions
quels étrangers
quels bouleversements
quelles ruptures
quelles rencontres
quelles victoires

mais toujours le Soleil sera là
la Lune aussi
et la certitude
que jusqu’à la Fin
je ne serai plus jamais
mon propre geôlier

12 septembre 2015


muses mutuelles
conversations ininterrrompues
se chercher sans le savoir
se voir partout
dans nos lieux de vie
dans nos rêves
nos prunelles se contemplant
sans s'user

se nourrir
se faire du bien
se répondre:
dialogue absolu
qui englobe
bien plus
que les mots

conversations imaginées
puis articulées
obsessions bénéfiques
qui nous rapprochent
du Tout

11 septembre 2015

Hier midi

Ton visage, familier maintenant, que je suis capable d’invoquer dans ma tête à volonté (ce qui n’était pas le cas au début), je l’aperçois au loin, dans la foule.  Tu me vois aussi.  On fait du slalom entre les humain jusqu’à ce qu’on se soit rejoint.

Nous avons environ les trois quarts d’une heure à passer ensemble, dans une journée qui en a vingt-quatre.

Cherchant en vain une place où s’asseoir dans un Temple du Commerce qui est à deux pas de l’abandon, puis voulant accéder à un bel espace vert qui était jadis interdit au commun des mortels, et qui l’est toujours…. finalement nous abandonnons, et nous marchons.

Tu me tiens le bras, geste audacieux il y a quelques semaines, maintenant tout naturel.  Nos pas se synchronisent.  Nous jasons de ton projet, et je trouve une façon d’en faire partie, et nous parlons aussi d’un projet en duo, et nos existences s’enroulent un peu plus l’une avec l’autre, comme deux tiges qui se dirigent vers une lumière commune.

Et puis on s’arrête là où on doit se séparer, et on étire un peu le moment, ayant envie de tout sauf de retourner à nos chaînes de montage modernes.

Et puis c’est l’heure.  Tu touches mon bras avec douceur.  Tu te tournes, je me tourne aussi.  Je marche.

C’est terminé.  Mais malgré tout nous avons trouvé le moyen de se voir, accoutumance maintenue et nourrie, pour le Bien de nous deux.

10 septembre 2015

Le Roi Minos est sans pitié, indéniablement cruel.  (Certains disent même que c’est lui, son identité camouflée par une tête de taureau, qui arpente le Labyrinthe, et s’occupe personnellement de l’exécution de ceux qu’ils a condamné.)  Il nous expédie dans son Domaine des Couloirs sans égards pour l’âge, le sexe, la richesse ou la qualité de qui nous sommes.

On peut y déambuler pendant des années, sans se souvenir de comment on y est entré, ne sachant pas il y a combien de temps ce passage s’est fait; l’errance et la confusion deviennent une partie intrinsèque du quotidien, forçant ceux qui survivent à accepter une existence emmurée, sans espoir de trouver une sortie.

Le Roi peut aussi décider de nous y jeter soudainement, sans crier gare, les yeux bandés, les mains liées, un bâillon sur la bouche, et alors il n’en tient qu’à nous de se secouer pour se défaire de ce qui nous retient avant de mourir de faim, de soif, ou égorgés par la Bête.

Parfois, même, on y nait, résultante malheureuse de la rencontre fortuite de deux égarés, et alors les longs couloirs sinueux constituent toute notre existence, forment notre conscience, et en sortir peut être un choc si violent que le Perdu peut en venir à vouloir retourner dans la familiarité de son Enfer.

Mais peu importe comment on s’y retrouve, il y a une vérité sous-jacente qui s’applique à tout le monde qui y souffre : tous les moyens sont bons pour en sortir.  Il faut se débarrasser de la culpabilité, en ne la ressentant pas si possible, en la fuyant si on ne peut pas.  Il faut profiter des occasions qui se présentent à nous, car il n’y en aura peut-être pas d’autres.  Il ne faut pas mettre son destin dans les mains d’un autre, et ne pas non plus tout miser sur un seul rêve, une seule approche, un seul idéal.  C’est beaucoup plus facile de s’en sortir si on a autour de soi des partenaires, des compagnons, des amis, et en plus on peut les aider aussi.  Il ne faut pas revenir sur ses pas par peur d’explorer un nouveau couloir, et même dans une impasse il y a parfois des petits passages cachés.  Il faut accepter qu’on ne sortira peut-être jamais du Labyrinthe, et apprendre à apprécier la vie que l’on a sans pour autant abandonner l’espoir de trouver la sortie.  Il ne faut cependant pas prétendre qu’on est libre et qu’il n’y a pas un autre monde au-delà de ces murs.  Si on entend la Bête s’approcher, il ne faut pas s’arrêter, s’étendre par terre; il faut alors bien s’entourer et se diriger vers une autre section.  Il est utile de se dessiner des cartes, de tracer des points de repères, et de comparer nos notes avec celles des autres.  Et finalement, se rappeler que même si la Bête nous rattrape, il lui arrive d’être distraite, ou magnanime, et d’épargner celui ou celle qui croyait que tout était fini; il faut alors la laisser passer et se relever quand on croit qu’elle est assez loin.
Le jour se lève.  Je marche.

Les champignons sont morts, disparus à l’approche de l’Automne.  On ne voit plus l’Anneau des Fées mais je sais qu’elle est là.  Je fais attention de ne pas y mettre les pieds.

Par terre, partout, les émanations de tous ces arbres, petites sphères à chapeaux, chênes en devenir.

Le ciel est onirique, gris-bleu et rose-jaune et mauve-rouge; amas étranges de vapeur d’eau… comme vous me faites rêver.

Du coin de l’œil je vois le Labyrinthe.  La Bête, sentant ma présence, hurle à en faire redescendre l’astre du jour.

Mais dans ma Cage mon Astre brûle encore.  Tous les soleils finissent par mourir, mais je préférerais m’éteindre autrement que cannibalisé par le Minotaure.

Une vie à remplir mon cœur de cristaux pour qu’il finisse par être immangeable, brisant les dents de celui ou celle qui s’y essaierait.