4 décembre 2007

Vince Tinguely

Depuis quelques temps, je me retrouve souvent sur les différents blogs de Vince Tinguely, et j'aime beaucoup ce qu'il écrit. Que ce soit ses opinions politiques (http://mylifeasanabortion.blogspot.com/), ses créations (http://confessionsofawelfareartist.blogspot.com/) ou ses rubriques culturelles (http://funkymonkeyaintnojunkie.blogspot.com/), c'est politique et cultivé, engagé et sensible, complètement désillusionné mais néanmoins vif et tranchant.

Je vous recommande de commencer par ici: http://mylifeasanabortion.blogspot.com/2007/09/words-of-advice-to-old-farts-with-fall.html. Comme avec un poème, il s'agit ici non pas précisément de ce qui est dit, mais plutôt du sentiment qu'il y a derrière.


"Anyway, as a public service I think I should offer a list of things you can do to help save the environment and make the world a better place. I mean, everyone else is offering 100 platitudes, so I can offer a few (it’s my blog and I’ll pander if I want to).

1. Quit your job. Whatever it is, it’s wrecking the planet. Stop working now. Go on welfare, and become a drag on the economy. The economy is wrecking the planet, so the more people who go on the dole, the slower the economy will go, and that’ll be good for the health of the environment.
2. Don’t sell your SUV or trade it in for a hybrid. Instead, destroy your SUV by driving it into the nearest fast-food restaurant or strip mall. (Strip malls are especially fun because the walls between stores are so flimsy you can just drive on through all of them.) By using your SUV to wreck Corporate Amerikkka, you have helped to shrink their ‘carbon footprint’ (ie. closed fast food store = fewer cows being eaten = less land being devoted to cattle = less greenhouse gases in their feeding, slaughter and transport, never mind the methane they produce anyway) rather than letting them get away with anything as lame as ‘carbon trading’ as an excuse to continue producing carbon dioxide until some of our favourite seaside cities are under water.
3. Instead of taking a jet to get to where you want to go, try walking the same distance. Or, if that’s inconvenient, try doing the same thing you were going to do wherever it was you were planning on going without leaving town. Imagine how much less boring anytown would be if everybody would just stop leaving it. While you're at it, visualize ‘massive globalization’ without the use of jets or cars.
4. Cancel all space exploration. Stop firing shit into space. No more satellites no matter how much we want them. Fuck HBO and all the rest. Use all that money we save from the space industry to come up with an alternative to the oil industry.
5. Turn all the vast green lawns around people’s ostentatious monster homes in the suburbs into ‘enviro-victory gardens’. If anyone objects, tear down their house, plow it under, and use that land for gardening as well. Once all the lawns are used up, start tearing up all the freeways in order to convert the underlying real estate into more gardens. By planting lots of urban vegetable gardens, we can cut down on the amount of fuel that’s used in getting veggies to market. Why, when it is summer and Quebec is producing tonnes of delicious food, am I still finding shitty-tasting, bedraggled veggies grown in Mexico and California at the greengrocers?
6. Ban eighteen-wheelers – ship everything by rail. Or, if this is too draconian, just make shipping companies pay the actual cost of the use of highways, rather than letting the taxpayer pick up the tab on all the road repairs. In which case, hey, shipping by rail really is cheaper, after all!
7. Make motor scooters the only legal personal inter-city transportation.
8. Make driving infinitely boring. Lower the speed limit to 45, say, and install governors in the cars so no-one can speed. Meanwhile, build hi-speed rail lines. See who wins then.
9. Windmills, solar panels, conservation – good. Nukes – bad. The people who are telling us nuclear power is still a good idea, are the same people who sold a ‘peaceful’ Candu reactor to India, which India then used to build bombs. No nukes are good nukes.
10. Encourage endless Montreal construction to proliferate – it might just force some drivers to leave the car at home.

Et ceci: http://mylifeasanabortion.blogspot.com/2007/07/unfinished-revolutions-it-isnt-so-much.html.


"Given the intensely programmatic nature of our current reality, where everywhere there’s some leader leading us somewhere – whether or not we want to go there – I propose a sort of anti-revolution, wherein, in order to be part of the movement, one must willfully stop doing stuff. We’re wrecking the planet with all our frantic activity, so let’s stop. Let’s stop war, but let’s also stop everything else. Stop oil exploration. Stop all mining of new resources – the only mining allowed would be the mining of dumpsites and other such unrecycled sources. Stop working – stop any work that isn’t directly involved with growing food to keep us alive. And stop all such food production that is based on profit, rather than on subsistence. Stop every industry – stop building cars, stop building houses, stop building anything. Put the whole of society into stasis, into a kind of a holding pattern. If people want to keep busy, they can fucking well figure out how to busy themselves. Keep old houses and buildings up to snuff. Clean up your local canal, creek or lake. Grow organic food instead of soaking your yard with chemical pesticides. Rather than being a tourist, go walk around your own neighbourhood for a change. No more films being filmed or books being published? Start a storytelling circle, or just lie in an open field watching the clouds and daydreaming. But just stop. Stop. And maybe if we all stop long enough, we just might be able to see the future opening up again, for all of us."

N'est-ce pas que c'est rafraîchissant de lire les propos de quelqu'un qui va plus loin que la dénonciation, qui fait l'effort d'imaginer des alternatives?

1 commentaire:

Anonyme a dit...

« Rather than being a tourist, go walk around your own neighbourhood for a change. No more films being filmed or books being published? Start a storytelling circle, or just lie in an open field watching the clouds and daydreaming. But just stop. Stop. And maybe...»

Imagine, just imagine, and let it be...Les Beatles n'ont jamais si bien dit...En effet, c'est très rafraîchissant de lire quelqu'un qui va plus loin que les dénonciations...Merci pour cette bonne découverte, il est déjà dans mes favoris.