12 mai 2009

Little Incantation...

[... for a life that eventually miscarried]

Dear little Peanut, I hope that you live. May you win this first fight, hold on with all your might, and make it through. If you do, you'll become an amazingly aware little person, having been stoked by this early struggle into a recognition (and, consequently, appreciation) of the preciousness of Ease, the worthiness of Peace.

You've already got a Mother that loves you, and a Father that (although not being much of anything) does too.

Hope to see you soon, little Peanut.

--- April 14th, 2009

3 commentaires:

Anonyme a dit...

Thirty years ago, I picked up myself into your story...I will never forget that day: september, 19th....in a pale morning...A boy or a girl ? I don't care, it was a piece of me.

And I hope too.

Aimon a dit...

Je me souviens quand vous m'avez parlé de ça, au mois de décembre 2005.


Anonyme a dit...

Oui, tout n'est pas que fiction, malheureusement. Merci de t'être souvenu.