3 décembre 2009

Films vus -- Retenances

[Extrait de dialogue tiré du dernier film de Jim Jarmusch, The Limits of Control]

- How the fuck did you get in here?
- I used my imagination.
- Is this your twisted idea of revenge for something?
- No. Revenge is useless.
- Addington! Security! God damn it!


What is your fucking agenda here?


You people don't understand a fucking thing about how the world really works.

- I understand. But I understand subjectively.
- That's fucking nonsense. Your sick minds have been polluted with crap. Your music, movies, science. Fucking bohemians on hallucinogenic drugs. All that shit has poisoned you. And it has nothing to do with the real world. And I suppose you believe that by eliminating me, you will eliminate control over some fucking artificial reality.
- Reality is arbitrary.
- Fuck you.

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