seeing evil intents, portents of backwards-reaching deceptions & manipulations, master plans speeding past my ever oblivious eyes
i am but a stunned conduit for flowing currencies, a catalyst for impatience & disappointment, distancing waiting to happen
companions of all sorts sense my silent disquiet, and they hide & grow quiet, avoiding the uneasy disavowals
the graveyard sings out day & night, recursive numbed-out nightmare where giving up & in is the foregone conclusion
in a bad way, an illness of pervasive aftertastes & cold blankets, hounding with impunity
20 avril 2022
[April 20th, 2022]
17 avril 2022
[April 15th 2022, 2:25 pm]
no place
no heart
where i am
de trop
with nothingness
at the forefront
of Now
14 avril 2022
[14 avril 2022, 9:49 am]
je les vois
les écoute
les imagine
dans un temple
parmi les livres
se manifeste une proximité factice
des scénarios prennent forme
chastes fantasmes de paroles et de sourires
luminosités rarissimes désormais interdites
aux yeux de ce troglodyte taciturne
12 avril 2022
[April 12th, 2022, 5:40 pm]
no solution that will last
so I use what I have
going out to walk
the sun the wind the spire
ecstatic before the ugliness
radiating in its victory
feeding the fire
heartbreak and solitude
at the failure to communicate
or accept your conception
of the world
imagination and suicide
have the same motivation
6 avril 2022
[April 5th 2022, afternoon]
my madness started at birth
that’s when I started buckling
under the weight of it all
the manifold pains
I didn’t know better
I thought that was existence
this fearful loathing
this nauseous unease
propelling me into
hallucinated make-believes
it was the beginning
of a life outside
just close enough
to be aware
of all I was missing
I was deemed secretive
while in fact I was dazed
21 février 2022
[Feb. 21st 2022]
I sink to the bottom
hit the floor
with a bubbly echo
under the sands
there is a trapdoor
to greater depths
adding further distortions
to my already warped
human interactions
screaming would be drowning
so I swallow in mistrust
of even myself
4 février 2022
7 novembre 2019
[November 7th, 2019]
7 octobre 2019
[7 Octobre 2019]
mon inquiétude mijote
un peu oubliée
je te sens
mais à peine
à la périphérie
de la proximité
une dérape et
on pourrait me convaincre
que j'ai tout imaginé
13 août 2019
[August 13th, 2019] [Updated]
It would be impossible to show or convey what I felt today, there. The vibrations of a place where the vegetation is more luxurious, the sky deeper, the clouds dripping with hazy glory, all the detail-crowded corners significant, every ugly building a landmark, the very center of the world for this individual, the only place he can honestly call home... thinking that in fifteen years or so (when his responsabilities have shifted, when his sentence has been served, when the debilitating solitude which is already so strong will have reached its apparent zenith, without any hope of a reprieve, time or his own frustrated abrasive psyche having made sure to carefully remove everyone from his proximity) moving back here might be just what he needs… a return to its comforting stagnating stillness and haphazardly covered-up wildness, even though so much of it has been destroyed or bastardized, depressing while looked at disconnectedly yet still infused with a palpable resonating pervading presence… the site of an unfolding dense weary mystery, in which to slowly decline and eventually disappear into...
Of course it's quite clear that it might just be the sudden unpacking of another life-era's condensed essence that is flooding the brain, and not the actual objective special worth of the place itself... powerful acute attack of longing for one’s childhood, that near-yet-far period where one’s existence was fulfilled and without scars, before the culmination of overpowering traits de caractère which would end up taking so much space, defining and circumscribing the whole of a neurotic life (and life-style).
Janus Manifest, all at once and simultaneously, as ever… in this present instance, the past (gold), the present (enchantment), the future (promise)... while at the same time hearing whispers of the poisoned opposite (silly innocence) (pitiful nostalgia) (pathetic delusion), going on nonstop, droning boring unmerciful self-proclaimed Voice of Lucidity.
10 août 2019
[10 Août 2019]
avancer sans savoir trop
ce qu'il en est ou retourne
ou quand ou comment
ou pour quoi
laissant les êtres
être ce qu'ils sont
absorbé par leur nature
leurs échos & leurs voix
souhaitant minimiser
mes éclats ainsi que
tous mes dits
les mots morts
traînant encore
parmi les décombres
empestant l'atmosphère
infectant l'idéation
en arriver à trouver
que sa seule présence
est un outrage ou un affront
détritus à la face du Ciel
qui promet
aventure &
mais ne rend que
frénésie &
sur la table
--- dehors ---
lumière obscure
germée du Soleil
5 août 2019
[5 Août 2019]
enfin seul et allégé
le paquet d'os retire sa peau
dans ses appartements il s'agite
fait comme s'il avait un coeur
plein de douleurs et d'espoirs
il gémit et il larmoie
sans larmes sans salive
lamentant la vacuité de ses bras
et l'absence de sa tombe
le crâne
ayant été vidé
de sa substance
de sa moelle
de sa vie
les orbites vacantes
se tournent vers les arbres
agités par le vent
3 août 2019
[August 3rd, 2019]
further up
further down
but here
so that I can
and spread
my tendrils
in a way
that’s both
healthy and sane
you, pretty you
won’t you spread
with me?
26 juillet 2019
Idéation Suicidaire & Médication -- Un Collage
- Tu seras ni zombie ni insensible. Juste moins vulnérable.
- Je le souhaite. Mais à ce stade-ci j'accepte tout. Si ça m'enlève ma fatigue constante, je serai déjà content.
* * *
Écoutant la chanson Nothing Disease de Siskiyou (, j’en viens à la pensée que les effets secondaires multiples (et parfois contradictoires) qui sont associés aux antidépresseurs (idéation suicidaire, anxiété, dépersonnalisation, insomnie, dépression, maux de tête, etc.) reflètent dans le fond les maux collectifs dont souffre la communauté humaine globale (non pas un hive mind mais un hive heart), mais que nous n’admettons individuellement que quand la vulnérabilité est révélée ou exposée, de facto.
* * *
the cursed moment when a tangled spot of oft-visited Doubt is trampled to the point of becoming a place of complete and utter Conviction, where resound statements of unarguable failure, justified resignation, and irrefutable arguments towards exile, exodus, self-exclusion
* * *
i’ve already commited suicide
a million times over
blown my brains with numbness
blasted my veins with soma
lungs drowned, way down inside myself
dead already
a haunt
not touching anyone
not talking to anybody
not going anywhere
not doing anything
just putting in my time
* * *
inward weeping
lost O lost
to everyone
to everything
* * *
I’m sick of the 21st Century, I can’t bear to look at anything for too long, it all reeks of Babylonian cacophony, end of the world angst and the poisonous blooming flowers of thriving hatreds.
* * *
Tenter par des moyens artificiels d’être plus fonctionnel (sans pour autant parler de "guérison"), parce qu’autrement je n’en ai ni la force ni la volonté. S’obliger au mieux-être, autrement dit.
* * *
the last recourse :
turn your back on your true self
fake your way into a Life
you have no appetite for
* *
- La fin de semaine arrive, j'espère que tu vas pouvoir dormir.
- Oui... quoique j'ai l'impression que c'est plus qu'une question de sommeil, et plus que ce qu'une fin de semaine peut régler.
24 juillet 2019
[July 24th, 2019]
discarded garnets of preciosity stuck in my shoe
cut off from the scraping elevations above
dismantling & re-aggregating artifacts
in my double-vaulted chambers
stumbling through painful queries:
“who would miss me if I was gone?
would not my departure alleviate worries?
certainly it would mine…”
eyes glazed over
like a wastrel sent to war
living on borrowed time
after a trifling infusion
of cast-off, diffuse nepenthe
22 juillet 2019
[July 22nd, 2019] Another dream-revelation
In it, I was some kind of adult Asperger/autistic/schizoid misfit, finding myself in multiple situations (in a semi-professional context) where I was faced with mutual misunderstandings of various kinds. Following me around was an invisible intermediary of sorts which only I could see, which would sometimes offer me advice as to how to deal with a particular conflict or social dead-end. Mostly he told me to quit my elaborate elucubrations which were infuriating everybody, to keep it simple and to say: “I’m sorry but I don’t understand what’s going on or what’s expected of me.”
Then I would was away from work, enjoying my solitary leisure time. Going to the pool every day, I would meet the same girl every day, so (not knowing any better) I approached her and said something like:
“Almost every day for a few months now, crossing your path at the same spot around the same time, and every time you’re a vision to me. I have a little bit of a crush on you. I wonder if maybe we could be friends?”
Very seriously she answered that it was impossible, and then walked away giggling with her friends. Somewhat dejected, I went on with my planned swim, concentrating on holding my breath for as long as possible under water. At some point I noticed that the pool was now filled with dozens of little baby platypuses doing an elaborate and synchronized underwater dance. For a few minutes I forgot everything and was amazed at being in this special swimming pool where humans can bond with animals in such a harmonious fashion (although no doubt it was all in my mind and only I could see the wondrous spectacle).
That’s pretty much all I remember, but it seems to sum up so much of my existence…
Excluded from the not-so-secret Society of Normality since forever-ago, alienated from its foreign-to-me code-words, brandings, rituals, expectations, obligations, opinions (and desperate need of opinions). Having internal scenarios and conversations as a way to process life as I experience it. Systematically falling for faraway beauties which I have no chance of ever getting close to (because although I am simplistically honest, that doesn't mean it's possible or even desirable to establish any kind of proximity with me). All of this leading to a tightening cycle of self-exclusion. Living for chance moments of solitary wonder and enjoyment, always too short, almost exclusively relying on imagination, like a mere little supplement to adorn the main fabric of my societal existence which is toil, incomprehension, constantly striving to please others but always resulting in irritation and/or disappointment for all parties involved.
8 juillet 2019
[8 Juillet 2019]
30 septembre 2016
[26 août 2016]
avirons vers le vif
au milieu d’une tendance
de désertification du Réel
réchauffements propulsés
signaux qui désignent
les bénéfices du baumes
loin du solstice
gloire fractionnée
sur horizons lénifiants
29 septembre 2016
[22 août 2016]
regards échangés
avec les cieux
veloutés intemporels
qui résistent aux flammes
et ainsi plongent au centre
de la Combustion
fusion invisible
la soif du sens
28 septembre 2016
[19 août 2016] #2
décortiquant ce qui en ressort
je défie la compréhension
et elle me le rend bien
le crépuscule est ce qu'il est
essayer de le convaincre
qu'il est trop ou pas assez
serait gaspiller l'expérience
27 septembre 2016
[19 août 2016] #1
enjôlant mes yeux craquelés
c'est pourtant le Simple que je veux
pas cette irritation déguisée en révolte
sans préjudices
ou discriminations
26 septembre 2016
[17 août 2016]
arrivant à révéler
une escarmouche escamotée
aiguillette entraînant
remous circulaires &
ondulations expansives
le projectile-émissaire est envoyé
une ouverture est exposée
poitrines d'Achille blanchârdes
sottement offertes
25 septembre 2016
[15 août 2016]
ne maîtrisant pas le Verbe
j'ambitionne l'erroné
malentends la distance
ne touchant que
le verre et le papier
les mineurs surcreusent
ont presqu'affranchis
la croûtade sub-crétacée
menant au parallèlismes
où on se perdure
pour de bonne
24 septembre 2016
[11 août 2016] #2
23 septembre 2016
[11 août 2016] #1
enseveli dans mon sang
(embuscade contre Tout)
saisissant bien la virulence
de la maladie que je transporte
j’essaie d’être fidèle
aux résolutions stoïques
de me mettre en quarantaine
dans un désert ou un autre
mais au moindre chant prometteur
d’un espace mutuel
de réciprocité rehaussée
je me lance tête baissée
collant mes oreilles
à toutes les conques
la volonté de bâtir des ponts
étant plus forte
que celle de les démolir
quête de rêve-creux
pour se réconcilier
avec soi et sa race
22 septembre 2016
[4 août 2016]
all the way through
reaching an even deeper
alternate destination
where progression is measured
in degrees of Light
not distance
unpolished psychic onyx
radiating inwards
rendering me onto
ravaging stupors
21 septembre 2016
[30 juillet 2016]
(not quite sure why)
hair dripping blood pumping
it's Saturday and the evening
is depressingly empty of Ghosts
empty of everything
in fact
so I fill it up to the brim
with caressing music
I reflect on the fact
that serious people
resent me because
I don't play games
then I remember
a dream last night
being forced to eat
candies from the USSR
by someone in a suit
Soma Moksha Ambrosia
from now up to my death
I want to be lighter and lighter
until freedom liberates me
from Life
i write these things
fearing that I'll be taken
for a pretentious
with illusions of Everything
but fuck it
I'm not going to apologize
for having a Mind
(no matter how messy)
or for not having learned
the rules to all the sundry
boring narrow ancient
moldy dusty rituals
should crumble
don't you agree?
20 septembre 2016
[28 juillet 2016]
tout autour
évidences de proximité
un rien et les drames mêlés
menacent de faire surface
handicaps souterrains
subterfuges cognitifs
qui font le tri
les Contentieux
des Amenuisés
19 septembre 2016
[27 juillet 2016]
négation & inversion
gâchis des implosions
qui aspirent & absorbent
au lieu d’éclabousser
je DIS et je DIS et
je TAIS et je TAIS
(parfois l’un puis l’autre
parfois simultanément)
alors que je veux
mais si le Passé est garant
de quoi que ce soit
il suggère que c’est peine
perdue (donc chagrin gagné)
inquiet et agonisant
je regarde Ellivret Sam
s’effondrer s’écrouler
(my own personal Atlantis)
en parfaite symbiose
avec l’Humanité à qui
rien ne m’appartient
c’est ainsi que je le veux
18 septembre 2016
[26 juillet 2016] #3
all the fantasy Nations
I have conjured up
over the years
to stay alive
in this diseased land
where one’s sickness
is made
through admonitions
to seem suspect &
out of place
Hence my subtle donning
of all appurtenances of the shade
convinced to be part
of a tribe of the Fallen
and the Falling
Together we say ‘No’